Friday, 1 November 2013

Open day photographic competition

A big thank you to the five of you who entered my photographic competition. Here are some of their lovely photographs of my gardens in September. I have taken the liberty of adding a comment about some of the pictures. Davy Blakemore had a slight advantage as he came to the garden later in the month when there was more Autumn colour. I have nominated at the end of this post an overall winner rather than a single picture.

Miles Harris

My dwarf sedums are often unobserved by visitors but not by the bees

John Little

This aquatic  in my pond is a bit of a thug
Clematis fargesioides in Bolton Percy cemetery. It more or less dies down in winter and from July flowers all Summer and Autumn. It also seeds itself around 
Short lived perennial which prolifically sets seed

David Blakemore

An interesting hybrid between an aster and a golden rod

All forms of Sedum spectabile are wonderful for buttterflies and bees

Evening primrose I extend the flowering season by giving it a late Chelsea chop

Only survived the 2010 Winter on my best drained soil
This aquatic euphorbia grows well on poorly drained soil
It has been a struggle with the rabbits but we are winning now.

The cercidophyllum tree on the left has a long lasting and powerful candy floss smell.

Don’t neglect the Autumn colour of herbaceous perennials such as hostas

Jenna Brogden aged 12

Agapanthus likes sunshine
Phlox growing in a very narrow border next to the house, most of its roots are in the hardcore of the drive


The annual amaranthus and ornamental grass were sown in April in my cold greenhouse

and the winner is Jenna Brogden

A ten pound voucher is on its way. Thank you Jenna, your imaginative photos show a  real talent.


  1. Sorry - a bit off subject again but noticed that you do have lots of solar panels - do yous supply your village?

    Glad you got some entries this time. Maybe next year we can visit your open day at a different time of year! Some day I'll pop and visit your cemeteries too. We sometimes pass close to Bolton Percy when we go to photographs Martyn's steam engines. (The engines aren't his but I take photographs of them for him! :) )

  2. Oh you are so cheeky but I like you!
    Just the one Open day next year beginning of September
    There is the possibility that the village might arrange open gardens in Spring.
    If so Weathervane House will be open as well as me.

    1. Almost a Dick Emeryism - do you also wear high heels?

    2. Sorry I have not managed a reply Sue, I have been at a loss for words!

  3. Well done to Jenna, I like her photo of the sedum. I love those red hot pokers too.

    1. Yes she did very well Jo. I have just been checking the entries and now I think I did not publish her best one!
      Rather than add it on I will work it in for publishing at the earliest opportunity.


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