Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Peter’s pictures

I asked Peter Williams for some recent pictures of his garden to supplement a post I was intending to write and promptly lost my own contribution in the wilds of my computer! It would be a pity to waste Peter’s lovely pictures. Here they are with a few of my own captions
This plant is a 'must' for any garden. It provides golden colour all of the year. When in flower the orange blossom scent is gorgeous. It needs to be in full light to perform. In shade it is green
Jack Frost is better in Spring. My friend David Willis is the breeder of 'White' Swan' which is nationally popular. David's plant recently died and Peter gave him a new one!

Note the smooth line of the lawn and shallow easily maintained edges

Peter has help with his garden design by his former student and friend Julie. She is the one who described his former planting 'Morecombe and Wise'

I have in my own garden a strong stand of The Bishop of Llandalf series. Fortunately no early frost is forecast before my Open day this Sunday

Choose your varieties of kniphophia carefully and have flowers right through the Summer
You will find no stakes in Peter's herbaceous borders
Is the lily a 'volunteer' in the middle of the rudbeckia? I don't think Julie will approve
You might have missed this Peter Williams post and a picture of Julie
Other Peter posts can be found under Peter Williams in the themes column.

Final Reminder!

It is my Open day on Sunday. This NGS link provides the details


  1. I'm afraid that we can't make your open day this year.

    Peter's garden looks lovely.

    1. Sorry we won't see you and Martyn this time Sue.
      (phew, the pressure is off!)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I hope all goes well - hopefully we will make it next year!

  2. It would be wonderful to visit your open day! I know Littlethorpe Manor will be hosting another such day, like the one my sister, sister-in-law and I went to during our holidays in July/August. If you weren't hosting your own, I'd recommend a visit.
    Wonderful garden - more a park, actually, by the size of it!

    1. I hope you can make it then. If you do please have a word.
      I know Littlethorpe quite well. I have blogged about flower arranger Jackie Barbers garden - which she opens -and also Littlethorpe clay on my very recent post.
      It's a long time since I have seen wonderful Littlethorpe manor

  3. Good luck and sunshine on Sunday.

    1. The day before and after were awful weather. The actual day was brilliant! Sun shines on the righteous!

  4. I think Peter will have been very pleased with what you have done, hope all went really well with your open day.

    1. It went great Alistair. 175 visitors A lovely lady called Lily had lived in the house 60 years ago as an eight year old girl.I wished I had asked her more than I did. Never thought it would make a post - missed my chance unless she comes back as invited with her sister


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