Wednesday 18 December 2013

Pest destroyers

Christmas post

Po’s hog

Mr. Happy

Roger’s hog

Mr Sleepy

Hedgehogs eat slugs, snails, insects and worms. They are not only insectivorous they also are omnivorous and will eat dog food, cheese, biscuits, currants and sultanas. Many but not all will hibernate in Winter. Do not give them milk and salty food. Replace meaty food every day. Ensure they can find a source of water.

I wonder if they eat Christmas pudd? More likely a little finely chopped  turkey. I suppose they might be asleep? Please someone tell me!


  1. Most should be asleep by Christmas unless they are unwell and need help. Being nocturnal, if you see one during daylight it also may be struggling and any under 600g are too small to hibernate successfully so should be taken to a sanctuary or the RSPB.

    One food to avoid other than milk which upsets their stomachs is whole peanuts as these can get stuck in their jaws and cause damage. A hedgehog with a damaged jaw can starve to death. They can also choke as the hedgehog may try to swallow them whole. Little pointy teeth do not deal with peanuts well but they can eat them crushed. I also crush dog biscuits or doggy dry food. They can be given cat food but not a fishy one.

    I don't think Christmas pudding is a good idea though, Hedgehogs shouldn't be fed raisins and sugary food can cause here teeth to decay.

    1. Thanks Sue, the Christmas pudd thing was tongue in cheek and it would only be once a year!
      Your information is very welcome, especially about hibernation. I guess you must have posted about this, something you really care about. If you have a link to anything you have posted about this please paste it on .

    2. I didn't really think you were going to fill them with pud! I have written this page but as Blogger still hasn;t fixed the search tool I can;t track anything on my blog!!

    3. I think you under estimate your fame! If you go to googles main search box and put in glallotments and follow it with what you are looking for it will be there.
      E.g. if I put in Roger Brook glyphosate I find all my posts!

    4. So it does but I only seem to have mentioned rescuing a baby and incidental mentions - must do a post on spring!

  2. They are more loveable than our porcupines. They are smaller for one thing and porcupines eat tree bark (read girdle trees).

    1. Do porcupines have similar problems crossing roads?

    2. They do since they are quite slow. You see more raccoons run over though, but I expect that is simply because raccoons are much more numerous.

  3. I think Sue meant to say please take to RSPCA?

    (RSPB is a conservation charity for all wildlife BUT it doesn't have rescue centres.)


    1. I did mean RSPCA Sarah. Call it a senior moment!


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