Sunday 27 December 2015

Three quarter of a million page views!

Three quarter of a million page views! Another blog milestone reached, and Roger is away - AGAIN! I can't believe it! Still, he should know better than to leave me in charge of the blog!

Rare Full Moon on Christmas Day

The post that turned the 750 000 counter over was Po's Post Christmas Moonshine, so I thought it would be apposite to put in Po's latest iPhone Digiscoped moonshot. Not since 1977 has a full moon dawned in the skies on Christmas. December's full moon, the last of the year, is called the Full Cold Moon, because it occurs during the beginning of winter. This rare event won't happen again until 2034.

A huge thanks to all our regular readers and commenters and very best wishes for 2016.

- Cathi


  1. I turn my back for five minutes!
    Thanks Cathi and Po

  2. Congratulations, well done Roger, it's a great Blog

    1. Even after my rude comment in my recent cactus post, Po!

  3. I wanted to take a photograph of the Christmas full moon but we had thick cloud and so it was impossible. So is Roger skiving off again? I hope he is paying you well.

  4. A million here we come! A happy blogging New Year.

  5. Well done on your readership numbers. I enjoy your entertaining and informative blog. Best wishes for 2016.

    1. Thank you Linda and Brian. I was not going to mention it myself!
      When I started the blog I never imagined I would get anywhere near a million in my lifetime! It's now getting dangerously close!

  6. Well done, Roger (and Cathi), that's a very creditable achievement! Like many others I enjoy reading your reasoned and scientific explanations of things. I know we differ on a few things, but sometimes difference is good. Let's call it Diversity!

    1. Every garden should be different Mark.
      Robert Pavlis in his blog recently commented how monotonous many gardens are in his area where everyone follows the latest fashion.
      I much enjoy reading your posts but occasionally I think I might do it differently!
      By the way I do like readers to make constructive argument with what I do in the garden even if some cases they might think my methods are 'off the wall'.
      I don't expect many to follow with my methods in tomorrows post!

  7. Congratulations to you all, that’s an impressive figure! And I remember the photos from last year, they are impressive too :-)
    Happy New Year to you Roger!

    1. And to you HELENE I hope your New Year is a quieter one than last. I am enjoying reading about the development of your new garden.
      (HELENE has a very interesting blog and " about wacky aphids was fascinating)
      Sorry HELENE I failed to make this link live! feel free to try!

    2. Hi Roger, thanks for promoting my blog :-)
      Your link for my post about the aphids was almost correct, just missed the second set of “
      Here it is, should be clickable now

    3. Thanks HELENE your post has very interesting science and great pictures- unless one is squeamish
      Funny thing about my original link, it sometimes comes through as a live one!

    4. Yes, I saw the link worked when I had posted my reply, I thought you had been in and fixed it – but now it’s not working again! I just realised, you can’t edit a comment, just delete and write a new one – which will mess up this thread, but I saw the html you wrote on the email confirmation I got – so for next time, you were missing a “ symbol, the one after .html was missing, should have been:... /the-wacky-aphids-are-back.html "> about wacky aphids....
      Doesn’t explain why it sometimes work though as your link shouldn’t work at all, but I have often spent hours, even days on html mysteries like that!

      For anyone reading this thread still interested in aphids, here is a link to the YouTube movie I made about them. Definitely not for the squeamish ones!


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