Friday, 24 March 2017

Dicentra extravaganza

I am delighted  to inform you that the April issue of The English Garden will feature my dicentra collection. I have seen lovely pictures and perhaps in the future they will allow me to publish some of those they do not use.
I thought I might celebrate by showing pictures of my own by means of linking to previous posts. There are eight! 
If you think I repeat myself rather often you can confirm it today. The posts are in reverse order going back nearly five years. Just click the link.

Last year Neil came to take his beautiful pictures. Perhaps I should learn from his pose

There is much confusion in the popular press as to what Dicentra eximia looks like
I confessed that if they were doling out National collections they would not choose me now.

Writing posts concentrates the mind. I discovered that propagating Dicentra macrantha by division works best in early Summer. (I have grown too old to worry about new latin names and if you google ictyoselmis google misdirects you)

The Bleeding Heart was the first dicentra I ever grew. (It too was a dicentra when I was a lad)

I just love Dutchman’s Breeches. Mine is coming into flower this very day.

Yorkshire author Joyce Fussey’s dicentra had a story (one as delightful as those in her books) and her plant was launched at Chelsea thirty years ago. I am told there will be some dicentras at Chelsea this year.

Climbing Dicentra scandens has also changed its name. My early posts are much briefer than now.

Oh how things have changed but Dicentra ‘Pearl Drops is still with me.


  1. They're still dicentra to me. I have never seen a white one on sale. As for Neil's pose it is one I often use. Congratulations on the acclaim of being featured.

    1. Now THAT would be a great picture, Sue.
      You can have a white one next time you are my way

  2. I think I'll have another go with them. They only seem to last one season for me. Dutchman's Breeches and Pearl Drops would be my faves.

    1. They often disappoint when bought at a garden centre L
      Pearl Drops is an easy one but the true Dutchman's Breeches can easily get lost in its dormant season - 9 months of the year!

  3. Congratulations on the article.

    Dutchmans Breeches is native to my area but are hard to find. I have in the garden but it is not doing particularly well. Need to spend more time learning how to grow it.

    Can you ID a true Dicentra eximia from photos? If so, what do you need?

    1. Yes usually Robert.
      The long rhizome (of formosa) is usually diagnostic too

  4. I have just ordered Dicentra Spectabilis Alba for our new garden. Now, after seeing your (Dicentra cucullaria), must get it.

    1. Yes cucullaria is a real gem and is flowering now.. If you like white ones don't forget Dicentra formosa alba

  5. Happy Birthday Roger for the 4th April, hope you are having a great time

    1. Thanks Po. I have celebrated with a new post! I have sneaked in a mention of my birthday!


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