Thursday, 21 May 2015

Beautiful Barnsley Birdwell bluebells on almost wordless Worsbrough Wednesday

Clematis montana grows in from a neighbour. I might call it borrowed landscape

Osteospermum ruber is completely hardy in Barnsley

No crowds like at Chelsea. I have it all to myself


  1. With so many flowers in the graveyard, the graves are almost a secondary feature! I think the dark red Valerian is particularly nice - wish I had some.

    1. If I catch the timing right when it seeds I will send you some seed Mark. I gather the Valerian was all the rage at Chelsea three years ago!

  2. Something magical about Cemeteries, abandoned by health and safety and regimental strimming, no one at Chelsea could produce anything like this. Great album.

    1. Praise indeed from a superb photographer like you Po.

  3. Much prefer it to Chelsea - it's so difficult to portray the deep b,lue carpet of a bluebell wood.. Then there is the lovely perfume

    1. Have you ever been to the cemetery Sue? Its probably not too far from Wakefield?

      It's forty five years since my only visit to Chelsea

  4. Fantastic Roger, this is gardening as it should be albeit in a cemetery. Like you I have only attended Chelsea once in my life and that was enough but, although I haven't watched any of the TV coverage, I was pleased to see that the naturalistic planting of the The Laurent-Perrier Chatsworth Garden was Best in Show, now there IS a trend worth following.

  5. No I don't watch the tv gardening either Rick and although I think the re-creation of old natural features demonstrate fantastic artistic ability and creativity and look superb in a show setting many people wouldn't cross the road to see them when they occur 'in the wild'

  6. What a brilliant place in which to be dead or alive! Lovely!

  7. Fabulous. I love that second photo, bluebells are at their best when they can be enjoyed en masse like this. That clematis montana is a beauty too.


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