Thursday, 30 August 2012

Why Visit Gardens?

Open garden at Boundary Cottage September 9th

Just some of the many reasons why you might like to come to Open Day.
  • Our garden is at its best in September.
  • To buy plants (some of them rare).
  • To say ‘hello’ to our neighbour’s rheas.
  • To see the giant Gunnera.
  • To sit in the conservatory eating delicious homemade cakes.
  • To spend a pleasant couple of hours in the countryside.
  • To meet old gardening friends.
  • To see the village plot. It’s down in Seaton Ross village.
  • To support a very worthy charity.
  • To examine a no-dig garden. 
  • To discover new plants.
  • To meet an artist in the garden.
  • To criticise and compare with your own garden!
  • To see the garden that this blog’s all about!
You will be sure of a warm welcome at the gate as we take your money!
Criticise and compare - “He’s a primitive propagator”!
The giant Gunnera looks better when some of the lower leaves are pruned out
Plants potted-up for the day - it’s like going into a sweetshop


  1. I'll definitely be having some of that blood grass!

  2. That has got to be the most gorgeous bird I've ever seen! Makes me wish I lived closer.

    1. We have seen him grow up from a chick. He used to sit in Harry's top pocket.

    2. I agree wholeheartedly Josie! I'd love to see the garden and those fabulous birds!

    3. Harry and Cathi are there over the hedge fielding visitors questions. I have told them they should open themselves!

    4. No chance! We are happy to chat to the bored partners who are not so interested in gardens! We are even happy to hand chickens over the hedge to be cuddled!

    5. Yes, the bored partner of my most regular visitor does not even come in. He takes the dog for a long two hour country walk. I think he is rewarded with tea and cakes!

  3. Gunnera! The one thing in my garden that has enjoyed this wet summer! The rest of us are sick to death of having wet feet.

    1. The bottom of my garden has a high water table. Even in summer. Ideal for Gunnera.


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