Sunday, 28 October 2012

October at Boundary Cottage

A very good friend visited us recently. He took lots of pictures in our garden which he kindly gave me to share. I am so thrilled with them that I am posting them straight away. Autumn colour is so beautiful, yet so ephemeral. Last night, we have had our first flurry of snow.

picture captions go left to right

1). Nigella, love-in-a-mist:
2). Sanguisorba, burnet
3). Miscanthus, No pollinating insects here, grasses are wind pollinated
4). Agapanthus. Don’t cut back herbaceous plants too early.

1). Spartium junceum, the Spanish broom
2). Verbena bonariensis

1). Identification of apple anyone?
2). Acer palmatum dissectum

1). Birch twigs. I am an arachnophile now
2). Stealth bomber on Geranium ‘Rozanne’

1). Wiegela looymansii aurea (and bee)
2). Sweet white grapes. The birds love them!

1). Cornus, dogwood 
2). Verbena (and spider)
3). Nigella pepper-pots have scattered their seed
4). Clematis, or has an ‘ood’ escaped from Dr. Who?


  1. Brilliant! The spiders are spectacular.

    1. I agree. A perfect reflection of the transient colours of Autumn. I loved your 'stealth bomber'!

  2. Beautiful photographs. The fall colors are magnificent. You should do a winter or spring selection too.

  3. The purple haze on the birch twigs is brilliant!

    1. Thank you everyone for your pleasing comments. I hope that the 'man with the camera' will be reading them!

  4. That's no ood - it's a Pekingese!

  5. Oscar Jensen, Wisley29 October 2012 at 13:58

    Superb photographs. Everyone always tells me that the garden looks sad in the Autumn but these pictures just show the beauty of those heavy dew mornings and russet colours.

  6. I always get depressed on the weekend that the clocks change but these beautiful pictures have cheered me up considerably. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for the comments Oscar and Anneliese. Autumn can show the garden at its best. We get depressed too at the short days to come.

  7. Came in for a nosey round thinking this was a garden blog. Wow - what brilliant photographs! And not just on this post either - loved the bumblebees!


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