Friday, 27 July 2012

Damn Pests!

The pigeons have really gone to town this year. As soon as I remove the protective fleece in the vegetable garden, they swoop. 
B****y pigeons!

Another stunted brussel sprout! Cabbage root fly maggots will have tunneled out the stem base. Perhaps if I earth them up, that will help new roots grow. It seems I need my spade yet again.
B****y pests!

Oh no, the dreaded lily beetle. This recent arrival from the South continues its spread north. Handsome beast. Perhaps I should just grit my teeth and spray? 
B****y beetles! 

Even if I do spray, the rabbits will probably still get them. This year they have learned that lilies make very tasty rabbit food. 
B****y rabbits!

I retire to the conservatory. These jumbo jets have inelegantly landed on our bird table that is parked in the field. Nature did not design them for this. Gentle creatures. 
Lovely Pigeons! 


  1. So THAT is what a lily beetle looks like! I definitely have them. How do you get rid of them?

    1. hi Frances,
      Their larvae are even worse, google them and get another shock. Some folks hand pick the adults every morning in an attempt to reduce their egg laying.
      Despite my caption remark I usually forget to spray
      They are easily controlled by Provado

  2. Helen Borthwick27 July 2012 at 14:28

    A rose by any other name.....

    1. One man's wildflowers are another man's weeds! :-)

  3. B****y hell - I have those red lily beetles too! Do you think it's because of all the wet weather? Other gardeners in my village also have the same damage on their lilies - we all thought it was rabbits!

    1. So far this year the rabbits have been worse.The lily beetles have now come to finish the lilies off

    2. I have almost no green growth on mine, and have also lost many of the heads of flowers too. They're just laid on the ground. The plants won't have enough energy to come back next year. I did't know what a lily beetle looked like until I saw your picture!

  4. I have used Provado and can confirm that it does work. I got a litre bottle on Amazon for about a fiver. Haven't had trouble since.

  5. " A 'weed' is just a plant in the wrong place " ...... now where have I heard that before ????

  6. I always say it too! It's an AA Milne quote!

  7. It seems like you are really pissed by these pests, i can imagine how frustrating it is to have them in your place.

  8. Pests do annoy a lot of people, as a housewife i have to deal with them which i don't like at all and usually ask help from my husband.


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